“Educate me if I don’t know, but don’t belittle me”

How many of you believe that:

By one, the child should start walking.

By ten, the child should have interest in learning maths and science.

By twenty, the student should know exactly what his future career should look like.

By thirty, one should be married, settled and maybe have kids too

By forty, one should have good savings.

By fifty, you should enjoy retired life.

By sixty, you should have lost all the teeth. 😛


I did not speak till I was two, which a one-year old does today.

I couldn’t ride a bicycle till I was ten, which a four year old does today.

I couldn’t bake till I was twenty, which many teens do today.

I know some thirty year olds who know nothing of the new apps and I am one of them.

And some forty year olds who cannot use a laptop, which my four-year old nephew can.

I know some fifty year olds whose maturity is lower than my seven-year old niece.

So what would society think about them?

A slow learner? An out-dated person?  Old fashioned? An oldie?

Ok if so, then what would society call:

A one year old kid learning to use a touch screen?

A ten year young participating in a dance competition on television?

A twenty-year something having his/her own start up or initiative?

A thirty plus working towards his dream of creating a space craft?

A forty year old fulfilling his/her desire of being a traveller?

A fifty year old falling in love again?

A sixty year old learning from grand children to use WhatsApp and Facebook?

So what would the society think about them now?

Over excited? Desperate? Pretending to act young?

Why is it that in our Indian culture age is given so much of importance?

Why is innovation/learning/curiosity and excitement given a back seat?

Hasn’t questioning and curiosity led to remarkable inventions and discoveries?

I have been mocked, slammed and run down, when others discovered I didn’t know some BASIC THINGS, Yes I`m saying  BASIC THINGS. Initially it did affect me, obviously I`m not God but later took them as stepping stones and learnt things over a period of time. I`m sure all of you would have been discouraged or criticized in life. It could be anywhere, at school, college, work, home, in between friends, society etc. Nothing new or unusual, right? We can’t stop people from their deeds/reactions/conclusions but, what if we could teach/educate them

Put them in a space where they can learn about it rather than looking down on them.

It feels great when I help a sixty year old type the spelling of Thank you to a comment on WhatsApp, or to make them taste new cuisines.

It feels great when I help a fifty-year old upload pictures on Facebook.

It feels great when I help a forty year old to overcome their fear of trying new things.

It feels great when I help a thirty year old aware of his own strengths and motivate him to start his new venture.

It feels great when I help a twenty-year old fix his love life.

It feels great when I teach a ten year old the importance of looking after the environment and how we can do our bit to keep it safe and pure.

It feels great when I take the finger of a toddler and teach her to walk.

It’s a beautiful feeling to help or support these people and society.

Hence I believe in saying to the world

Educate me if I don’t know, but don’t belittle me!

I have known the feeling of being let down and also known the feeling of being loved and responsible after helping/supporting people when they needed it the most. Hence I have come to the conclusion that the latter feeling is much more awesome and worthy.

`Learn and let people learn’ don’t belittle them and hamper their curiosity.

This is officially my first blog and trust me I’m not worried about people who would belittle me or laugh at me for my writing/blogging/idea or thoughts but, I`m certainly excited and waiting to be educated by people who have something to teach me or show me a new dimension to this idea.

As mentioned in my introduction this (blogging) is my learning journey!

Yes! I`m ready to be educated by you! Are you?





3 thoughts on ““Educate me if I don’t know, but don’t belittle me”

  1. Hi – I really enjoyed the addition of the Indian culture slant to this post – it makes it unique from anything I would write, although I have similar thoughts and struggles with age and those who want to put others in certain boxes. I think you could strengthen the piece by using fewer examples up front and at the end. I would also recommend using fewer rhetorical questions. Dive into the important points of your personal experiences of how others have used age as a weapon, or why this is such an important topic to you, or how you were belittled in order to really connect with me as a reader. Just my two cents – happy blogging!

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